Past Events:
Claudia Delia is an aesthetician and jewelry artisan and proprietor of two businesses: Holistic Practices offering all natural skincare and pro-active aging support from the inside out; and Lucky7 Southpaw Craft, offering one of a kind hand wrought jewelry, elemental talismans and wearable art inspired by her love of nature and the esoteric arts. Libra Sun, Taurus Rising, Aquarius Moon.
Amy Delia is a bodyworker and budding astrologer, proprietor of The Celestial Body, offering deep dives into the terrain of the body-mind-spirit from an elemental and psychospiritual perspective. She is in the early stages of her journey of the formal study of astrology and has begun offering natal chart interpretation and exploration in the interest of personal and collective healing and evolution. Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Rising, Leo Moon.
All friends are welcome, new and old, to come listen to my sister-in-law, Claudia Delia and I, discuss the present incarnations of our businesses, how our work is evolving currently and visions for the future. We will also touch on how our missions overlap and complement one another, and the unique services we offer in the realms of personal care, wellness and transformative healing. There will be plenty of time for sipping tea, asking us questions about our work, and taking in the beautiful surroundings and offerings at Modern Druid.
Saturday, September 23, 2023, 2-4pm
60 S. Broadway Nyack, NY